日: and利比亞: Libya偉大: great; mighty的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...九月: September the ninth month of ...一: one革命: revolution; revolutionary節: joint; knob; node伟大的九月一日革命节: libya the great first of september revolution月1日 利比亚九月革命节-----: the great 1st of september revolution (libya)利比亚九月革命节: the great 1st of september revolution (libya)一九五四年十一月一日革命节: algeria the revolution day of 1st november十月二十一日革命节: somalia 21st october revolution九月一日: september 1九月一日弁庆草: livelongsedum伟大的中国革命: the great chinese revolution利比亚革命领导人: revolutionary leader of libya干燥的九月: dry september甜美的九月: sweet september我的九月: the september of mine最后的九月: last september本规定自一九九一年九月一日起施行: these provisions shall enter into effect as of september九月一日是新学期的第一天。: the first of september is the first day of our new term学校自七月十二日到九月一日放假: schools give a vacation from july 12 to september leave of absence革命时代造就伟大的人物: the epoch of revolution creates great figures